Welcome to Enterprise Architecture
Franchise Center
From implementing new business strategies to ultra-efficient work processes, ours francises for Business Design and Digital Transformation are ready to tackle any challenge and put enterprises on the path to success.

Template Collections for business design and digital transformation

Seminars and workshops for effective usage of our franchises

Business design based on World standards TOGAF, BPMN and ARCHIMATE

Agile EA, at least 50% acceleration of Business Architects work

Project planning and high quality surveillance of ICT project execution according to PMBOK standard

Our expertise as the guaranty for full success of project execution
Franchises for Successful Realization of Digital Transformation and Business Optimization
The enterprise architecture is the World adopted theoretical framework for digital transformation end optimization of business by implementation of ICT solutions and platforms. Without knowledge how to use enterprise architecture in practice, its practical usages can take a long trip with uncertain end and very questionable result.
Having this problem on mind we had created ours franchises. They enable business architects an agile practical usage of enterprise architecture for targeting the business strategic goals and fully successful realization of digital transformation end business optimization.
Ours franchises are template collections whose usage standardize and significantly accelerates business architects work.
They enables successful execution of tasks within the scheduled timeframe and high quality of enterprise architecture model design.
Based on designed model planning and quality control of ITC projects is easy and efficient.

Seminars & Workshops
We had created ours seminars and workshops for business architects. Business architects after training for ours franchisees are able to successfully handle concrete initiatives, design the future target business enterprise architecture by coupling business processes with new ICT solutions into single and coherent unit for achieving fully successful digital transformation.
Strategic Partner
Quantum Consulting is our strategic partner. In 2014 we signed a contract for use of our franchises. Since then, we have been successfully collaborating on the realization of many projects.
Our partner's business architects are well versed for use of our franchises for agile, secure and fully successful realization of projects for their customers.

Trusted by Leading Croatian Enterprises
and Government Bodies